some motivation required…

I started a Couch to 5K program two weeks ago and I’m loving it!  Granted, I’m only on the second week of the program so it’s not like I’m running marathons yet, but I really do enjoy it much more than I initially thought I would.  I lost all the weight I’d gained from my pregnancy with Noah last summer (Weight Watchers and walking nearly every day) and I’m only 10 pounds away from my goal weight.  I’ve been only 10 pounds away for 6 months!  And now it’s time that I get rid of it once and for all.

I decided to start running for a few reasons.  The obvious one of course is to get healthier.  The other reason is that I really need a stress relief and weights and planks alone don’t really give me the release I need right now.  Right now, getting through 20 minutes of alternating running and walking is really hard, like embarrassingly so.  In a few weeks though it will be easier.  And once I am able to do 5K I want to work my way up to 10K.  But I need clear goals and let’s be real here, I need rewards 🙂

My first goal is to run in two 5k races this year.  I’m definitely doing the Color Me Rad this summer.  I’m so excited about this one!  I haven’t decided on a second race yet but I have some time yet.  Today I start week 3 of the program and I am excited, and a little bit scared!  I know it will be hard but it will be so worth it when I finish.

So, to get myself in the right frame of mind I’ve got a few things to share that I’m going to share 🙂

I CAN do this :)

I CAN do this 🙂

